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The Action’s objective is to connect public e-services provided by two Spanish public administrations (Diputación Provincial de Valladolid and Servicio Andaluz de Salud) to the Spanish eIDAS node via CL@VE 2.0 in order to enable cross-border authentication in line with the eIDAS Regulation.

The eIDAS node service is available as a functionality incorporated into Cl@ve 2.0 (the main Spanish e-government solution used by local, regional and national public electronic services to authenticate citizens). The two Spanish public administration of this Action are already connected to a previous version of the Cl@ve platform (not linked to the eIDAS node). This Action will therefore adapt their solutions to connect to Cl@ve 2.0 according to the new interfaces and requirements. By the end of the Action, the e-services offered by these 2 public administrations will be made available in production environment for cross- border authentication (via eIDAS). Furthermore, all participants will disseminate the Action presenting the results reached for their e-government portals to the end users, other public administrations and EU level stakeholders.