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eID and the Integration of migrants

A recent CEF digital article entitled “How the Building Blocks can improve migrant integration” presents the official report “Towards ICT-ENABLED Integration of migrants” jointly written by six projects funded by the European Commission. Both the article and the report highlight the importance of new tools in migratory processes across borders between countries worldwide. The paper illustrates how services should be improved and developed to serve citizens from other countries and the European Commission’s role in the whole process.

The six European projects funded by the H2020 program that propose IT solutions for the integration of migrants in European societies are listed below:

The article highlights the convenience of using the Building Blocks eID and eSiginature to facilitate the secure access of these people to services cross-border.

For more information, access the article and the publication through the following link:

The content of this publication is the sole responsibility of the Project Consortium and does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union.